31 March 2014

英美劇 Da Vinci's Demons S2

TV Series - 59 min - Adventure | Drama | Fantasy

season 2 aired date: 22 March 2014
if you would like to check season 1:  英美劇 Da Vinci's Demons S1 達文西惡魔

Well, I have become a crazy fan for this TV show. So I think it will be a lot of pictures and conversations between characters here. <3333

2x01 The Blood of The Man

- Did you ever think we'd see the end together?
- 你可曾想到我們會一起赴死?

I never believed that I would be facing an end at all.

- God is laughing at us, Da Vinci.

This is not our fate.

- One way or anther, this is every man's fate. Our lives are made by the deaths of others.
- 無論方式如何,這是所有人的宿命。我們的生命也是他人的死亡鑄就。

You were very quick to surrender.

- After all we've seen.. lost, perhaps you're naive to endure.
- 我們見識了那麼多,失去了那麼多,或許你的忍耐只是天真。

There is a greater story here, still being written.

- By whom?
- 誰來書寫

- Well.. We both wanted to see what's next.

There's still time.

It seems finishing the job has fallen to me.

- You really must surrender now. The Medicis are finished. You must not throw your life away for Lorenzo.
- 你還是投降吧。美第奇家族完蛋了。別為了羅倫佐而送命。

If Rome takes Florence... you'll understand. I have nothing to lose.

What on earth is that?

- Sheep's intestine. The Greeks used reeds for cannulas, we use my pen nibs.

Please, there are other Medicis to replace Lorenzo. But Florence only has one Leonardo Da Vinci.

- Look what Florence has become without Lorenzo. Come on! I was wrong. He believed in me when no one else would, he entrusted me with the city's defense. That's what I'm doing now. Finish that. I'm defending Florence. I believe I can save him, Andrea. I need you to believe it too.
- 你看沒了羅倫佐,佛羅倫斯現在成了什麼樣子。快啊。我之前錯了。全世界都不相信我時,只有他相信我。他將守衛城市的重任託付給我。而這正是我現在要做的,保衛這座城市。我在保衛佛羅倫斯。我相信自己能救他,安德烈。我需要你也相信我。

You killing me now would be more merciful than freedom.

- Then-- ready another horse and follow.
- 那就,備好馬跟上吧

We are the horns of the Increate. We are the shadow at the Center of the Labyrinth. And you will pay for the sins of Daedalus. And you will pay for the sins of Daedalus.


2x02 The Blood of Brothers

Nico. The Widow's Tear has already shown us otherwise. Proving my theory that it is better to be feared than loved.

- Why are you keeping me alive?
- 你為什麼還要留著我的命?

Because I like you.

Yet we have not fallen! In Florence, power has always been derived from the people, not from traitorous whispers in quitet, dark halls, not from individuals... not from conspirators.

And so, as it should be, I put the fate of our republic in your hands. Do with me as you please. For whatever you command, I will perform it willingly. For tonight, as always... you are my friends... my protectors... my brothers.

- Palle!
- 帕雷
^ Medici家徽上有六個球(palle)


The Bible counsels us against indulging ourselves.

- Men of the Bible took their pleasures.

There are words inscribed on the blade.

- Not just words. It's what the Medicis have sought for generations. Libertas Populi. Freedom for the people. Freedom for Florence. It's time to save our city, Leonardo.
- 不只是字,這是Medici家族幾代人的追求。Libertas Populi,人民的自由。佛羅倫斯的自由。事時候拯救我們的城市了,李奧納多。


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